
Sunday, September 23, 2007

Halo 3

In honour of Halo 3 coming out on Tuesday I figured that I would join the bandwagon and write a little piece on it. I have to admit I've never really played the previous two installments of Halo all that much. I attribute this to having a PS2 and not a XBOX. The little I did play was fun but not enough for me to go out and get either Halos when I got my XBOX 360.

Now after reading stuff about Halo 3 for months now, the hype has taken hold of me. To me it seems as if this game is going to be purchased by every single person who owns a 360. It would seem criminal to not pick this game up. To this effect, after months on the fence, I have finally decided that I am going to get the game. It appears the media blitz has taken at least worked on one person. Halo 3 will be one of the biggest games in history. It will probably be bigger than any movie this year. It has been the most anticipated game for the 360 and possibly of all time. I'm actually kind of excited now to play this game.


Sunday, September 16, 2007

Leafs New Jerseys

For those of you not in tune with the Leafs Nation, the Maple Leafs unveiled there new jerseys the other day. At first glance I thought they were hideous. But a couple of days later I'm seeing them in a different light. The white jersey doesn't look all that bad. It actually looks like a jersey from those black and white photos. You know, the ones that show what a winning Leafs team looks like. Posing with that silver cup thing. Maybe it's a sign of things to come.

The blue jersey on the other hand still looks ugly. It looks to minimalist, too blah. It looks like a practice jersey. As much as I love Maple Leaf blue, there is just way too much. The white stripes at the bottom helped to break it up. Now with the blue pants and blue jersey, it looks like they are wearing a nightgown. They should get white pants, that would make it look better. White pants would actually make the blue jerseys tolerable.

As for the removal of the shoulder patches, you don't even notice they are gone. No biggie.

Let's just hope these new jerseys will bring new life to the team and maybe they can at least make the playoffs this year. Paul Maurice was just a little ambitious by saying they would be cup contenders this year. In fact, because if I have such little faith, if they make it to the confernce finals this season I will (insert suggestion here).

P.S. Tucker is sporting some sweet kicks.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Fantasy Football

Well another NFL season has begun and with it fantasy football. I had some high hopes coming into this year. I was expecting to at least make the playoffs this year but then a series of unfortunate events brought me down to reality. First there was the draft which I was hopelessly unprepared for. Next was the season starting on a Thursday for some reason, meaning I was busy playing Duty and didn't set my lineup causing me to lose the valuable points garnered by my 2 best players. This year is starting to look like all the rest and to emphasize my disappointment I found this nifty little video that describes my situation almost to the T.

I Suck At Fantasy Football - Watch more free videos