
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Future is Bleak

I was just watching Wheel of Fortune and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was amazing proof that Americans are terrible at geography. It took them a minute and 3 tries each to figure out A_c_land New Zealand. Then Pat Sajak says "Its just a little town. Its the capital actually. Its not important. Its on a map." Mind blowing.

But I guess that isn't surprising because according to the spell check on Blogger, which is run by Google, Zealand isn't a word. Its got the little red line under it. It boggles the mind. I knew Americans were a little thick, but I could never have thought in my wildest dreams it was this bad. And they are the leaders of the free world. God help us.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Page Reboot

It's been a while since I have written on this page; truth be told I had forgotten I even had it. I will attempt to update it as much as possible but I know it won't be that often. I just suffer from typing diarrhea, a lot comes out but nothing of substance. Its difficult to decide what to post; what the hell though, I'll give it another go. It can't be that hard. Most people with blogs are legally retarded, but then again so am I.